Military Geography


How can you teach geography while learning about military operations? Make the study of geography more interesting through the eyes of a soldier with the natural connection between military activity and geography in this WeE-book™.


How can you teach geography while learning about military operations? Can you make the study of geography more interesting through the eyes of a soldier? What does the acronym COCOA mean?

Make the natural connection between military activity and geography when you read the WeE-book™ . . .

Military Geography By Maggie Hogan

“Military operations are drastically affected by many considerations . . . the most important of which is the geography of the region.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower

Much of history concerns war—and wars are affected by geography; many are won or lost due to geography. Gain insight into the many different ways that geography is important to military operations, both during peacetime and in war.

In Military Geography, you will:

  • Read exciting excerpts from a book written by one of our modern-day soldiers.
  • Make a military geography folderbook
  • Discover a large variety of geographical factors that influence military policy
  • Learn new, innovative ways to expand the study of geography . . . and more!

Discover the world through geography.

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