Curiosity Files: Red Tide


Red Tides will keep your kids occupied and answering questions like these: What causes the ocean to turn red? A red tide can be a beautiful sight to behold . . . but is it dangerous? Who or what’s to blame for the stir about it? This is available as a downloadable ebook only.


A red tide can be a beautiful sight to behold . . . but is it dangerous?

Who knew such a small thing could cause such a huge issue?
Who or what’s to blame?

Turn your child’s fascination with the strange things that God has made into an enthralling learning adventure!

The Old Schoolhouse® presents an unforgettably curious downloadable series . . .

The Curiosity Files™ : Red Tides

Explorations With Professor Ana Lyze—Expert in Outlandish Oddities
A FUN unit study for kids ages 8 to13.

In this intriguing scientific discovery, you’ll follow the deep path that unfolds the mysteries of red tides. From learning about algae and toxins to exploring the food chain and the history of red tide fish kills, you’ll no doubt be as captivated as your kids!
Children just love learning about oceans and microscopic organisms too! They’ll be more than amused to learn . . . “Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Red Tides”!

Red Tides will keep your kids occupied and answering questions like these:

  • What causes the ocean to turn red?
  • Where in the world are red tides?
  • How do these generally harmless organisms end up causing so much trouble?
  • What is a toxin, and how is sea life affected?
  • What should humans know to keep safe from the dangers?
  • Does history tell us anything important?
  • Does the Bible mention oceans and tides?
  • And a whole lot more!

Want to switch on the excitement of science investigations and fun learning? Introduce your child to The Curiosity Files™ and discover some unusually interesting subjects . . . you know, the unfamiliar, the zany, and the strange things of nature that kids are so attracted to.

Professor Ana Lyze and her research “spy” team specialize in the obscure, the abnormal, and the bizarre. With The Curiosity Files™ , children will become educated about subjects they’d never find otherwise.

With this unit, kids will think creatively and exercise their minds while exploring many interesting and related topics. Students will learn how to write a descriptive essay or a persuasive essay (older students), and make and play a unique board game in The Write Stuff feature. Plus, there is a wonderful section on learning all about adjectives! Figure It Out uses the appeal and practicality of learning important math concepts, such as the metric system and percentages, and relates them to real-life lessons for the primary and middle grades. Older students will get a look at a scientific research paper! And two levels of vocabulary activities and spelling worksheets cover both elementary and middle/high school.

In the Lab will bring smiles and give kids a chance to use their newly acquired knowledge. After learning about the food chain and food webs, kids will go on an algae scavenger hunt! Several science experiment records are ready to print and use. There are Good Old Days history lessons, a fun timeline, and research activities, and Where in the World provides creative map discoveries. Other crafts and activities await your child. There’s even a musical approach to red tides! And with lots of game ideas to choose from, you’ll have the whole family involved, with all the giggles you can imagine!

Many special needs students have problems understanding ideas that they can’t experience directly. In The Curiosity Files™ series, you’ll find lesson activities provided specifically to help these students grasp the concepts. All children can benefit from activities that mix visual regions, auditory regions, touch regions, and motor skill regions of the brain to reinforce learning and retention; special needs students need them even more.

As you read, learn, and research The Curiosity Files™ , you’ll find engaging information, puzzles, quizzes, games, and funtastic activities to keep your child actively learning in a unit study format. Make a Red Tides notebook or lapbook folder for starters, and then continue adding on to widen the study with more amazing topics in the series. It’s a complete learning encounter you’ll be glad to provide for your students!

Look at all that’s included in this unit:

  • Bible study, discussion ideas, and memory verses
  • Math, history, and geography investigations
  • Literature and suggested book list
  • Writing, spelling, and vocabulary activities
  • Beautiful copywork pages (manuscript and cursive)
  • Science observations, projects, and experiments
  • Discussion questions
  • Art, crafts, and drawing and coloring pages
  • Lapbook/notebook pages and helpful lapbooking links
  • Special needs, hands-on discoveries
  • Internet resource and video links
  • Complete answer key


Learn with more than 90 stunning and colorful pages of Red Tides adventure!

The color of curiosity is red!
Encourage learning to flow naturally with this fascinating discovery!

Click to see this sample. It is just a few pages of the Blue Diamond study that it is an 89 page product.  blue diamond sample pages

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).